Useful information on how your Medical Aid covers Covid-19 testing
With more and more of us and our families needing to be tested, the number one question being asked is how and if, my medical aid covers Covid-19 testing. In order to assist you, we have prepared some easy-to-use communications on how the larger Medical Aids are covering testing.
Covid-19 testing has been declared a PMB (Prescribed Minimum Benefit) by the Council of Medical Schemes, which means that all Medical Aids must cover two (2) tests (even if negative) per member and if you are a Health Care Professional, they must cover 4 tests. If you do test positive, the test, and in the event that you require any hospital treatment, will be covered as a PMB.
Some of the Medical Aids do require a pre-assessment, however, most schemes accept a doctors referral. For more information, please select your Medical Aid hereunder:
BONITASDISCOVERYFEDHEALTHMOMENTUMSIZWEShould there be any significant changes we will keep you informed. If you need any further information, please contact us
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